Company data
Company name | tecCONS GmbH |
Company register number | 347658m |
UID | ATU 65814425 |
Company Court | Handelsgericht Wien |
Authority according to ECG (E-Com- merce Act) | Magistratisches Bezirksamt des XXII. Bezirkes |
Management | Michael Dolejsi |
Duty to inform according to ECG and media law: | |
Web design and concept | |
tecCONS GmbH | |
Marko Gavrilovic | |
Percostrasse 15 / 1. OG | |
1220 Wien | |
Tel: +43(1) / 89 02515 | |
Web: |
Percostrasse 15 / 1. OG
1220 Wien
Phone: +43(1) / 89 02515
Fax: +43(1) / 89 02 515-10